The most Innovative System that brings together all elements of Driver Safety,
Truck Safety and Maintenance.
• No legacy systems • One stop shop...we do it all
• Truck routing as standard with turn by turn
• Larger in-vehicle displays screens • Fatigue Monitoring & Reporting
• 360 degree cameras and in-cab camera with artificial intelligence
• Individual axle and gross weights • TCA Accredited for RIM
• Electronic Work Diary Certified by the NHVR
• Continuous updates for driver even without 4G network
• Latest technology that is heavily integrated to the Canbus
• Data held at Multi Zone points, no downtime
• KISS principle used in the development of our solutions

We have incorporated Advanced GPS tracking, performance dashboards, reports, proactive alerting, history replay, waypoint management and geo-fence.

Driver Safety and Fatigue Management
Ensure your vehicle and drivers are ready for work with proactive fatigue management, speed management, harsh driving reporting, Vehicle check report, License validity check via the RMS and fit-for-duty declaration.

Electronic Work Diary
Our electronic work diary conforms to the National Heavy Vehicle regulations and can display the current day or a summary for the regulatory 28 days.

360 Camera
Our 360 cameras allows you to view video of the outside of the vehicle and is uploaded to the server to allow viewing by central control.
When an indicator is activated the camera display will show in full screen the side of the vehicle that is turning, it also displays in full screen the revering camera when the vehicle is put into reverse.
Total Weight & Axle Weights with Digital Proof of Delivery
We monitor total weight on all vehicles including dogs and B Doubles, we also enable PDF's to get emails or SMS to the customer as proof of delivery. We have now added axle weights for all trucks allowing proper distribution of loads across all axles.

In-Cab Camera
The in-cab camera has built in Artificial Intelligence that monitors the driver for a variety of issues i.e. eyes closing, yawning, use of mobile phone and others.
Blind Spot Monitoring
Our 360 camera also eliminates blind spot around the vehicle giving the driver the ability to avoid accidents.

On Board Tablet
The Driver’s on-board tablet requires the driver to log on to the system to do both vehicle and driver health checks. It then monitors the drivers adherence to work and rest times required by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator.
In addition our software allows menu selection on all other data. Software updates to the tablet are done via Samsung Knox using Over The Air (OTA) technology and can be scheduled to happen overnight requiring zero human intervention.

Because we are picking up all the data from the Canbus we are able to monitor service intervals and other maintenance requirements of all vehicles including Fuel usage, Klm's travelled, last maintenance date and many more. Drivalink, therefore, gives you the opportunity to do more condition-based maintenance because you know the condition of the components of the vehicle. You also get more use out of the different components before you change or replace it. You also have access to diagnostic trouble codes.

DrivaLink is an Australian owned company founded in 2019, DrivaLink has built an innovative system that brings together all elements of Driver Safety, Truck Safety and Maintenance. This innovation has been achieved by combining driver experience and logistics management into a user-friendly set of solutions. Our software combines over 30 years of hands on experience in the logistics and IT industry; delivering a solution set that provides real time information for everything from vehicle tracking, work diary and logs, driver safety (including fatigue), in-cab camera, 360-degree cameras, maintenance, weights and refrigeration.
DrivaLink has achieved a one stop shop for all Trucking requirements using ongoing consultation with trucking companies, trucking auditors, Senior Police and various government departments and their legislation. This collaborative approach makes our product unparallel in the telematic industry and our new technology allows us to tailor the needs of trucking companies without being restricted by legacy systems. DrivaLink does not use 3rd parties to deliver any of its features such as weights and is a one stop shop, any issues that may arise will be address by our developers, because we built it, we know where to look if it doesn’t perform.
The success of DrivaLink is due to a system that has been carefully written with the customer in mind and has incorporated the rules and regulations published by the Nation Heavy Vehicle Regulator. The DrivaLink system will ensure companies work within these regulations and will also assist to fulfill its Chain of Responsibilities.
For a real time demonstration use the page at the bottom to contact us.

DrivaLink telematics system is by far the best system I have ever used...
I have been in the trucking industry for over 20 years and the DrivaLink telematics system is by far the best system I have ever used. It’s visual, it’s simple to use and it allows me to just concentrate on driving the truck. The 360 degree cameras and large in-cab screen allows me to feel completely safe and aware of everything that is going on around the truck. This Aussie company is definitely one I would recommend, and the product is so good that I would like to have shares in it.
Ross Potrosko - Concrite
I couldn’t recommend Drivalink’s telemetrics system more highly and am happy to give it my full recommendation...
Having a fleet of trucks which service numerous multinational companies within the Sydney metro area it is imperative that
we meet the high safety expectations of our clients and provide a safe working environment not only for our drivers but also other road users.
The DrivaLink system has seamlessly helped us as a business understand the NHVR regulations, as well as implement them into our operations ensuring we comply with all the current standards. DrivaLink is the third telemetrics system we have tried over the years, with many let downs as far as both the service and product go. With an offering of vehicle tracking, truck routing, fatigue management, 360 degree cameras, gross and axle weights it is as comprehensive system as I’ve found on the market and couldn’t be more pleased. If you are looking to
do it right the first time, lower your COR, maintain a compliant fleet, value your drivers and want to run a professional business
I have no doubt DrivaLink will be the system for you too.
Mic Ryan - Ryan Plant Hire
Ensure your vehicle and drivers are ready for work with proactive fatigue management, speed management, harsh driving reporting, vehicle check report, license validity check via the RMS and fit-for-duty declaration.
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: (02) 7251 0445 or fill out the following form
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